Want to learn more about the people behind the Brew? This new blog series will give you the answers to the most important questions (and some not-so-important questions) you may want to ask a creative. This week, we’re chatting with Alexande, our project coordinator.
Where did you grow up?
Houma, Louisiana
What do you do for fun?<
When I’m not working, you can catch me having drinks with friends, on the way to see a movie or planning a trip to Disney World.
Did you always want to work with a company like Brew?
I wanted to be wizard, but seeing as though I didn’t receive a letter from Hogwarts, I decided advertising was the next best thing.
What’s your favorite brew (beer/tea/coffee)?
I love an ice cold beer after working in the yard.
What’s your top Core Value and why?
Higher Purpose. I believe that everything we do has a bigger meaning in the scope of our lives and the lives of others.
Favorite local lunch spot?
Zoe’s Kitchen. All day.
What’s one fact about yourself that most people would be surprised to hear?
I used to be a competitive shooter. Shotgun, rifle, archery and muzzle loader. The whole sha-BANG.
Which fictional character (tv show, movie, or book) do you most identify with?
Schmidt from New Girl. We share a love for mainstream hip-hop and hashtags.
What’s your ideal birthday celebration?
Low key dinner and drinks with close friends and family that eventually leads to a high key, poppin’ celebration. [There should be a stage involved.]
Who do you want to be when you grow up?
When I grow up, I want to be the Steve Jobs of branding. Not sure who that is now, but maybe one day his name will be Alexande DeBlieux.
Check back next week for more from our Top 10 series. Cheers!